Spiritual Spiritulaty Metaphysicaal Inspirational uplifting

Spiritual  Endeavors  is  an  Independent Non-Profit
Educational Organization, for the Advancement of 
Spiritual, Holistic, and Environmental Awareness
Dedicated to Expanding Consciousness,  and
Awakening Self-Knowledge.                
Spiritual Spirituality Metaphysical

General Information

Spiritual Endeavors is a public forum which maintains a large repository of spiritual, holistic, and environmental information, methodologies, thoughts, insights, and all types of material, available to all.

Spiritual Endeavors explores the powerful all encompassing nature of Self, bringing people and ideas together by providing educational sources, recourses, and opportunities that promote spiritual awareness and holistic understanding for all. (Because of the all encompassing nature of the Self, in our eyes, it would become foolish to try and separate our spiritual nature from our physical health or our environment. So... ) Our mission is to contribute to the advancement of humanity through the spirit of unity and cooperation, by providing educational opportunities that encourage the growth of our spiritual, holistic, and environmental awareness, for the highest good of each individual, culture, and race throughout our world... and beyond.

Spiritual Endeavors reaches out to unite all individuals, young and old, who actively question their own existence... that of our world... and even the vast beyond! From scientist to homemaker, you will find educational material, learning opportunities, and others to share and grow with.

Spiritual Endeavors encourages each individual to discover their own answers in their own way. It is our desire that each individual ultimately finds it acceptable, and learn to consciously create from the beauty and truth that lies uniquely within themselves, as they relate to, and evolve through a quantum leap in consciousness and come to a greater understanding of Self, others, and our home; the earth. is a domain where each individual is honored and cherished for the awesome beautiful being they truly are; reflecting their interpretation of All That Is in their own unique and wonderful way. All are equal here. Each is an important and integral part of the whole. And as we each come to understand and appreciate the magnificent splendor of our Inner Self, and our relationship with All That Is, we contribute to the physical manifestation of a world where spiritual, holistic, and environmental understandings are practiced for the highest good of all.


The term, metaphysics as defined by The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 3rd Edition states: "The branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value." Each of us at one point or another in our lives, has wondered; "Who am I?", "Where do I come from?", "What purpose is there to my life?" or "Is this all there is?"

These questions seem inherent in our race (In this time of human evolvement, it would seem un-necessary to say, but there are still those... So we would like to point out that at Spiritual Endeavors we consider the color of one's skin to be about as relevant as the color of one's eyes, or hair, or even the color of the shirt or blouse that they may / or may not be wearing. Wherever you see the term 'race' used on this site, it is always referring to the "human race".) and throughout the millennium have formed countless religions, cults, philosophies and even cultures. In fact there are as many ideas and answers to these questions, as there have been individuals, communities, and cultures throughout time.

It has been a tedious journey through physical time translating these concepts and ideas independently to all areas of our globe. Therefore, throughout the ages our interpretations have embraced ideas of separateness. This part of the globe was separate from that part. This culture was separate from all others. This country was separate from that one. This community was separate from the other. God was separate from Man. And Man was separate from other men. Well, after countless battles and skirmishes, after thousands upon thousands of wars, and after two world wide wars to end all wars, the fighting between all the separate ideals and countries still continues. And the feelings of separateness continue to fan the raging fires and burning desires for control.

In the 1960’s, the ideas of love and the acceptance of others became vogue. There was a rebellion against the establishment's far reaching fingers of control. Peace and love became the words of the decade. Some say the "love generation" finally grew up and put away their childish ideals, but it would probably be more accurate to say that after a long decade of plowing the untilled harsh soil and planting their seeds, new ideals slowly began to be considered as some of those seeds sprouted and took hold. By the 1990’s, some of those seeds began to blossom into a call for cooperation and unity in the spiritual philosophies of the day.

Today, it is important that we realize our own personal responsibility for our own destiny and our lives, and the and growing concerns of our planet, our economy, and relationships. There is a grass roots call for cooperation and unity. Spiritual Endeavors is not a new thought of this unity or cooperation. It does however, stand for the practice of these concepts put into motion, thus allowing each to break out of the roles of prejudice and judgment through education and acceptance of each other as the brothers and sisters we truly are.

With the world shrinking through faster transportation and communication, and the changing of a Technological Age into The Information Age, it becomes a natural step to pull together old and new thoughts of who we are, from every source worldwide. Religious, scientific, medical, environmental and governmental philosophies are changing. Religion is seeing more than just life after death, it is accepting healing and other miracles as new churches are formed and old ones change.

Through quantum physics, science is proving that thoughts (which we consider as non-physical) are things, and that they create reality in a much different way than previously supposed. The medical community is changing rapidly by accepting alternative ways to health such as the use of herbs and natural remedies as well as chiropractic services, aromatherapy, and acupuncture to name only a few. Environmental effects of overpopulation, the "greenhouse" effect and the new study of macro-environmental systems are bringing about thoughts of responsibility for our earth. And even our governments are practicing such things as remote viewing and working with sound waves which was previously considered metaphysical mumble-jumble.

Spiritual Endeavors looks at the world through the spirit of cooperation, and all spiritual and metaphysical organizations, groups, enterprises, and individuals as colleagues. It is among our goals to become a recognized world wide forum where each of these colleagues may share their ideas and beliefs, utilize our services to promote their understandings and insights, and provide all individuals a designated source to find what suits their interest, then learn and progress from this information for the good of all.









      TOUR / GUIDE

      ABOUT S E




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